Eleusinian Echoes

Blogs & Articles Stephanie Karzon Blogs & Articles Stephanie Karzon

Psychedelics, Pregnancy, and Breastfeeding.

Follow up and additional resources to “Female Hormones and Psychedelics”

No high-quality data is available to guide our understanding of the benefits and risks of psychedelic use during pregnancy. However, there are some good reasons to discuss psychedelic use in pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Below you can find a link to an article by psychiatric pharmacist Benjamin Malcolm, Pharm D. His aim was to review medical literature regarding psychedelics and pregnancy and report the results. This article reflects research findings rather than a decision to exclude certain psychedelics from some of the topics.

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Blogs & Articles Stephanie Karzon Blogs & Articles Stephanie Karzon

Female Hormones and Psychedelics

Here’s a topic I didn’t get fo fully expand on at District216 's Sex and Psychedelics talk on Saturday Sept 23, in Santa Barbara.

On the topic of women’s hormones: What are we discovering when it comes to psychedelics and estrogen, PMS, and postpartum? (sources found at the end of the article).

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